Getting Started! #HAWMC


Day 1 prompt: Why HAWMC? This is our third year of the Health Activist Writer’s Month Challenge – why did you get involved this year? Are you a newbie to #HAWMC or a veteran?

This is the second time I have joined in  HAWMC  and this event has been both a real challenge for me and a very important moment for all of us regarding the art of being a Health Activist Blogger.
HAWMC  2012,  I managed to do a blog post a day throughout the month of the event. I hope I can write good post and creative articles even living with writer’s cramp in this year. Well, I can consider myself a veteran!
The reasons that made me join the HAWMC 2013 are very important to me.
First, the challenge of writing a blog post a day is a way to learn to be a more creative and professional health activist blogger.
Secondly, I think this blog’s writer marathon is a way of socializing experiences of our own health condition with other health activists bloggers and readers.

Thirdly, what makes me join in HAWMC 2013 is the feeling of belonging to a large virtual family of writers called  health activists bloggers. I really feel  among friendly people.
Fourthly, I have greatly enjoyed participating in HAWMC because this is a way to spread worldwide the awareness about dystonia and educating people on our health condition.
Finally, I confess that I was undecided if I would participate  in HAWMC 2013, but after thinking enough I decided to be part of this event because this is an opportunity to grow and mature as a  disabled person and make the world know the experience of a lifetime with the  Writer’s Cramp.

“You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one” as John Lennon said.

PS: Today, April 1st is April Fools’ Day celebrated in Brazil and around the world.Here, people like to speak and write lies. They tell more absurd lies for people to stay impacted.  It’s all a joke and fun without malice!

I swear that my post is not a lie. Incidentally, I wrote it on Sunday night, March 31 when I was on a beautiful beach on the south coast of Recife, northeast of Brazil. The full moon and the sound of the calm sea  have inspired me enough to write this first blog post.

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